Monday, November 14, 2011

Final - Thought Process

For the final project, I'm thinking about using "Time" as my "big idea." I'm considering using space (and objects in space, e.g., planets, comets, stars, etc.) as a way to show time. I think the best way to do the project would be making a video as opposed to making three separate images. A video could also create a type of narrative, albeit not a traditional "story," since time will be passing as the video plays.

The denotations would simply be space and the objects that are there. The connotation could be that space is timeless and infinite.

A preliminary idea that I'm thinking of is a video that starts off as a black screen, with space (with some distant stars) fading in, and then the "camera" will begin moving and events will start happening (planets, stars, comets, etc. will start appearing). The video could end with the aforementioned events coming to an end, and then fading out to black - ending the same way it began.

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