Monday, October 24, 2011

MP3 - Identity and Objects

I chose Mirror Lake as my location, and my laptop as the main object. The reason I chose Mirror Lake is that it was one of the first locations that I saw when I came to Ohio State on a tour several years ago. I've also attended the "Mirror Lake Jump" the past two years with friends (I haven't jumped in yet though; it looks too cold. Maybe this year I'll try it...). I chose the laptop because it's been a really important object in my life over the past few years, especially this quarter, because I'm taking several programming and computer science classes.

I didn't really have any "deep meaning" when I made the image of the laptop sinking into the water, so I would like viewers to form their own meaning when they look at the pictures.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I feel that the 10 objects that I selected and organized into one final image help to show my identity in several ways. The Java book, calculator, and bookbag show that I am a math and computer science student. The Rubik's cube and phone show that I enjoy talking and being around friends, while the bed and iPod represent me relaxing and just passing time on my own sometimes.

This image does not show my complete identity, however. Since OSU is pretty far from home, I had to choose objects that were available in my apartment, and some objects that I would have chosen are at home. So the image only shows my identity here at college, and doesn't include my "home identity."

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Identity and Selections

Here is a list of 10 of my favorite/most important objects:

  • Laptop - I chose my laptop for a couple reasons. One reason is that it is one of my most valuable possessions (monetary wise). Another reason is that my laptop is essential to getting school work done, especially since I'm a computer science student.

    • Essential tool

  • Java book - My Java book is a great reference tool for classes (pun intended!). One of my classes this quarter uses Java, so I've been using this book quite a bit lately to learn new techniques.

    • Learning

  • iPod touch - My iPod has a variety of uses. I really enjoy using it to listen to music, play games, and check email. It's also a decent way to watch movies on long car rides.

    • Passing time

  • Phone - Until I get an iPhone (which, hopefully, will be soon), I have to use this phone. Fortunately, It can also function as a camera which is definitely useful at times, e.g., AE252.

    • Communication

  • Calculator - I've had this calculator since high school, and I use it in the majority of my classes. It has been an invaluable tool in the past, and I'm sure it will continue to be so in the future.

    • Math & Science

  • Subway gift card - Subway is one of my favorite fast food places, and I eat there far too often. This month is "Anytober," which means that all the footlong subs are $5.

    • Yummy!

  • Bed - One of my favorite objects to see after a difficult day. It also reminds my of the clever maneuvering required to get it into my apartment, which is on the third floor of the building.

    • Relaxing

  • Bookbag - A useful tool to carry stuff around. I've had this bookbag for several years now, and it fits my needs perfectly.

    • Convenient

  • Rubik's cube - In my freshman year, my roommate taught me how to solve a Rubik's cube. We didn't know each other before college, so him teaching me was a great way to spend time together to get to know each other better.

    • Friendship

  • Shoes - I really enjoy running because it helps reduce stress and lets me forget about any problems I might be having at the time. Whenever I buy new running shoes, I have to choose the shoes very carefully. When running, I tend to over-pronate, so most shoes will cause my ankles to hurt after a while.

    • Free

Friday, October 7, 2011

Mapping and Layers

Here is the map I created for Micro Project 1:

(Click on the image to see the full size.)

To make this image, I used many tools in Photoshop, including:
  • Crop tool - used to cut off excess and unnecessary parts of images
  • Magic wand tool - used to "cut out" the shoe
  • Type Tool - used to make text
  • Brush tool - used to make the path on the main map
  • Clone stamp tool - used for minor fix-ups in some of the pictures
  • Pen tool - used to create the "zoom in" effects for the images
  • Paint bucket tool - to fill the background and the path selections made from the "zoom in" effects
I also used many of the features in "Blending Options" to make shadows, borders, etc. The main title text uses an image of rippling water as a clipping mask.

My goal for the project was to show how my walk to AE252 class is unique, even though we all end up at the same destination. I tried to do this by pointing out some of the different sights that I see on my way to class, and by highlighting the path that I generally take.

The Journey to AE252

On the first day of class this quarter, I made sure to leave a few minutes early because it was the first time I ever had a class in the stadium (I didn't even know that there were classes in the stadium...). It turned out that the entrance was pretty easy to find, so I got to class a bit early.

So far, almost every Monday and Wednesday morning has had really nice weather, so my long-ish walk (about 12-15 minutes) isn't too bad. The trip starts by crossing High Street, and I almost always miss the "walk signal" by just a few seconds, so I normally have to wait until the next cycle. I then walk through campus in the general direction of the stadium, but my path varies each day because of all the construction going on around campus.

I have a class right before AE252 on Wednesday mornings, but my walk doesn't change much because the earlier class is about halfway between my apartment and the stadium.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Living Art

Similar to Elliott Hundley's artwork, Paula Hayes' "big idea" seems to be based on the environment and nature. I found it fascinating that her works included living plants, and while her gallery is at the Wexner Center, OSU students will be helping to take care of the plants in the display.

My favorite work by Hayes is Egg. Made in 2010, Hayes created Egg with hand-blown glass, a wall and ceiling attachment, "full-spectrum lighting" (which was one of my favorite parts of the display), and the living plants inside the display.

An obvious denotation is that there are living plants inside of nearly all of her art displays. The connotation is that she wants to bring attention to nature and the environment.

A second work of art that I really liked is the MG06: "Moon Gem" Terrarium, which Hayes made in 2008.

The Bacchae

Most of Elliott Hundley's artwork is based on mythology and classical texts. I thought a lot of his art was interesting, but one of his works titled Eyes that run like leaping fire, which was made in 2011, really stood out to me. This piece was created with wood, sound board, string, pins, paper, photographs, plastic, and wire. His "big idea" seems to have something to do with taking care of the environment.

One main denotation that I noticed for Eyes that run like leaping fire was that it was made almost entirely of recyclable or natural materials. The connotation of this would be that Hundley cares about the environment.

Another one of my favorite pieces by Hundley is Swarming over, which was made out of similar materials that Eyes that run like leaping fire used. It also resembles nature, which matches with Hundley's "big idea" of the environment.