Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Identity and Selections

Here is a list of 10 of my favorite/most important objects:

  • Laptop - I chose my laptop for a couple reasons. One reason is that it is one of my most valuable possessions (monetary wise). Another reason is that my laptop is essential to getting school work done, especially since I'm a computer science student.

    • Essential tool

  • Java book - My Java book is a great reference tool for classes (pun intended!). One of my classes this quarter uses Java, so I've been using this book quite a bit lately to learn new techniques.

    • Learning

  • iPod touch - My iPod has a variety of uses. I really enjoy using it to listen to music, play games, and check email. It's also a decent way to watch movies on long car rides.

    • Passing time

  • Phone - Until I get an iPhone (which, hopefully, will be soon), I have to use this phone. Fortunately, It can also function as a camera which is definitely useful at times, e.g., AE252.

    • Communication

  • Calculator - I've had this calculator since high school, and I use it in the majority of my classes. It has been an invaluable tool in the past, and I'm sure it will continue to be so in the future.

    • Math & Science

  • Subway gift card - Subway is one of my favorite fast food places, and I eat there far too often. This month is "Anytober," which means that all the footlong subs are $5.

    • Yummy!

  • Bed - One of my favorite objects to see after a difficult day. It also reminds my of the clever maneuvering required to get it into my apartment, which is on the third floor of the building.

    • Relaxing

  • Bookbag - A useful tool to carry stuff around. I've had this bookbag for several years now, and it fits my needs perfectly.

    • Convenient

  • Rubik's cube - In my freshman year, my roommate taught me how to solve a Rubik's cube. We didn't know each other before college, so him teaching me was a great way to spend time together to get to know each other better.

    • Friendship

  • Shoes - I really enjoy running because it helps reduce stress and lets me forget about any problems I might be having at the time. Whenever I buy new running shoes, I have to choose the shoes very carefully. When running, I tend to over-pronate, so most shoes will cause my ankles to hurt after a while.

    • Free

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